Life in Progress Coaching.
Website Redesign, WordPress, Responsive

Career decisions, even exciting wished-for choices, can also produce feelings of overwhelm, anxiety and isolation — like you are the only one in the world going through this.  At some point, you might realize you can’t see things objectively anymore.  I know.  I’ve experienced what it’s like to feel unsure about your path.  And it was no fun.

About twenty years ago, I went through a time where I didn’t know “what I wanted to be when I grew up”.  I had a family, bills, stress, expectations… the works.  I experienced a difficult time while I searched to find my footing. Fortunately, with the help of a gifted Career Coach,  I was able to transition into a position that did so much more than just meet my family’s economic needs: it allowed me to explore a new interest – helping others find their purpose.

And that, it seems, was MY purpose.

I experienced first-hand, how finding an authentic career can change more than your job.  It can change your life.  It sure changed mine.

  • WordPress CMS
  • Custom Slider Feature
  • Custom Icons
  • Custom Menu Bar
  • Custom Shortcodes
  • Customized Pop-up Ad
  • Website Redesign
  • Custom, Personalized Design
  • Responsive
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