Calix Society
Website Redesign, WordPress, Responsive

The “Credo” of the society succinctly tells the story: “Calix is an association of Catholic alcoholics who are maintaining their sobriety through affiliation with and participation in the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. Our first concern is to interest Catholics with an alcoholic problem in the virtue of total abstinence. Our second stated purpose is to promote the spiritual development of our membership.

Consider the men and women, who have spent a long time, often many years, unwittingly developing a physical dependence on alcohol. Finally they reach the end of the line – physically, mentally and spiritually. Assume that they manage to put together a short period of sobriety and tentatively are testing the Twelve Step program. Their physical condition improves rapidly and, after a longer period, so does the emotional side of their lives.

  • WordPress CMS
  • Custom Slider Feature
  • Custom Shortcodes
  • Customized Store Front
  • Website Redesign
  • Custom, Personalized Design
  • Responsive
  • Click here to view the site