Coming from KnowBe4’s Cyberheist News, here’s a few notable articles to look at so that you stay safe online!

Secure Document Phishing to Trick Employees

Keep an eye out on the newest trick among hackers — a new phishing scam that relies on employees mistaking fake DocuSign, EchoSign and Secure Adobe PDF attachments for real ones. This doesn’t help when these sort of documents are also mistaken by spam filters for being fake, making it even harder to figure it out.

These emails prompt you to open the documents or links, which when enabled then infect your machine with malware or even worse, ransomware.

To be better safe than sorry, make sure that if you see an email with a document to be signed online is one you are expecting. If in doubt, email the sender directly (don’t hit reply-to, because that can sometimes send to a spoofed email!) and ask them just to make sure!

Check out KnowBe4’s full article here.

The History of Ransomware

In this article, KnowBe4 explains a brief history and evolution of ransomware — malware that locks you out of your device and files, holding it hostage for a sum of money is paid. These malicious files often find their way onto user’s — often that of businesses — by means of emails that look legitimate, but instead download the malware upon the attachment being open.

“Ransomware is the new way cybercriminals attack your network, but they still mostly use old-fashioned manipulation to get in.”
— Kevin Mitnick

Click Here to read KnowBe4’s full article and timeline.


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