Top 10 Ways To Surf The Web Safely

Top 10 Ways To Surf The Web Safely

The internet is a powerful tool that gives us access to information we otherwise wouldn’t have. While browsing the internet, it is important to surf the web safely to avoid unwanted malware and viruses. Follow these 10 tips to browse the internet safely! 1. Do...

Social Media and Small Business

Social media is a great way to interact with clients and potential clients. If you are new to the social media world, it can be a bit overwhelming. Which platforms should you use? What do you put on these sites? When is the best time to post information? While there...

Facebook Tutorials

Are you new to Facebook? Need some help learning how to use it? We offer one on one tutorials for business owners were we teach you everything you want to know about Facebook! It’s only $99 for the first hour, and an additional $50 every half hour after. Most...