Plagued by Spam?

Plagued by Spam?

(Originally written and posted in 2009 by Jerry Caruso) Plagued by Spam? Some Helpful Advice From Jerry       One of the main problems plaguing the Internet today is the proliferation of spam. Most everyone knows what spam is but not how and why we get it or, more...
Requiem for Antivirus

Requiem for Antivirus

( Originally reposted from 2009, by Jerry Caruso.) “Antivirus software is dead” There, I said it. I officially pronounce all attempts to prevent PC viral infection by host-based software to be futile. The exact date and time of death is unclear, as the...
Email Scam

Email Scam

We have seen malicious emails coming from “Administrator” with an attachment labeled “PDFPart2.pdf” at two different clientele locations.  One of the clients also received a PDF attachment from herself that she never sent. The bad guys are...