Q&A Wednesday, Social Media, The Office, Web, Yourtechcompany
We often encourage our clients to set up business accounts on social media platforms, since it helps your SEO, and is a great FREE marketing tool. The question that is always asked is “What if someone writes a negative review on the page?” We’ve...
Q&A Wednesday, SEO, Social Media, Uncategorized, Web, WordPress, Yourtechcompany
SEO is a buzz word that has become very popular. It stands for Search Engine Optimization and has to do with your online presence including, but not limited to: your website, social media, business listings, etc. In this article, we explain the basics of what you need...
IT, Q&A Wednesday, Yourtechcompany
IT, standing for Information Technology is often tossed around and used in technology jargon. But what exactly does it mean, and what is it used for? Networks Plus explains its use and integration into daily life.
Q&A Wednesday, The Office
Every Wednesday we ask our followers on Facebook and Twitter to submit their computer, tech, web, or social media questions for us to answer. Today, we were asked, “I have a question, what is the best AntiVirus software and how do you know if its up to...